A method used by traders and investors to evaluate and forecast future price movements of financial assets, such as stocks, currencies, commodities, and indices, based on historical price data and trading volume. It focuses on studying price charts, patterns, trends, and technical indicators to make trading decisions, identify potential entry and exit points, and assess market sentiment.
Each candle or bar on a price chart represents a certain time period.
The mental and emotional factors that influence a trader’s behaviour, decision-making process, and overall performance in financial markets. It encompasses a wide range of psychological aspects, including cognitive biases, emotions, risk tolerance, discipline, self-control, and mindset, all of which can significantly impact trading outcomes.
The periods during which financial markets are open and active for trading activities in different regions around the world. These time zones are influenced by geographical locations, market hours of operation, and global financial centres where trading takes place.
Refers to the total number of shares, contracts, or units of a financial asset that are bought and sold within a specified period, typically during a trading session, trading day, or specific time frame.
The directional movements and patterns that prices of financial assets, such as stocks, currencies, commodities, and indices, exhibit over time.
The trade will close automatically once it meets the predetermined price.