This is the minimum fund you need in your account to make trades and helps brokers to guarantee the ability for you to open new positions and maintain them.
A request made by the broker for the trader to add more funds to the account in order to meet the minimum margin requirements.
The potential for financial losses due to movements in market prices. This type of risk affects the entire market and cannot be eliminated through diversification. It is inherent in all types of investments and can be influenced by a variety of factors, including economic changes, political events, and natural disasters.
The overall perception of market players towards an asset or the market as a whole, which has a direct impact on price movements.
A standardised trading size that represents 1,000 units of the base currency in a currency pair and is also one of the smallest possible trade sizes in the forex market.
This represents 10,000 units of the base currency.
The difference between a user’s net worth at the start and end of a month, including any withdrawals or deposits made during that period.